Electro Coagulation Process:

In the Coagulation process of electrolysis  do the precipitation of the matters and flocculate.  The flocculate will be float in top and it is called as floatation. The heavy particles, metals, etc will  be settled in the bottom which is called as sedimentation. The coagulated water will be fed from coagulation reactor to the next process Electro Oxidation through the Sludge recovery Filter.

e-ETP/e-STP Plant High Points:

It is a state of the art designed for today’s time. It uses an unique bipolar technology.

It can lead to lot of saving on space compare to conventional technology.

It’s oxidated output fed into Media/Carbon filter and finally filtered by Ultra filtration.

This treated output shall be utilized as gardening directly.

If the treated water need to be used for cleaning/flushing it has to be chlorinated.


Electro Coagulation     


Electro Oxidation


Electro Chlorination