January 19, 2021 11:27 by
Electro Coagulation Electrodes having sacrificial Anodes which can deteriorate depends the contaminant of effluent and operating hours. These electrodes will have different types and some of the electrodes will have the anode & cathode combination as below:
1. Anode Aluminium and Cathode Aluminium
2. Anode Aluminium and Cathode Ferrous
3. Anode Ferrous and Cathode Ferrous.
Normally the expected life of this electrode is 12 months. There after it need to be replaced. During the coagulation, the influent is precipitated and the flocculate is floating on the top of the reactor. The heavy metals are settled in the bottom of the reactor and proceed to settling tank. This coagulation itself remove some part of BOD and COD of the influent. The attached image is self- explanatory for the assembled coagulation electrode.