Tiaano’s Electrolytic Effluent Treatment Plant (e-ETP) and Electrolytic Sewage Treatment Plant (e-STP) are the waste water treatment system. It is working on Electrolytic Principle, which is Biological free and chemical free Technology. The process works on the principle of Electro Coagulation (EC) and Electro Oxidation (EO). In Electro Coagulation Reactor (ECR) the charged ions on contacting numerous pollutants like suspended solids, bacteria, organics, serious metals etc. are neutralize, coagulate, flocculate and settled in the settling tank. Further coagulated water, pumped into Electro Oxidation Reactor (EOR) through the Bag Filter. In an EOR, by generation of HOCL (Hypo Chlorous Acid), Chlorination, Ozonation, etc. and removes colour and odour.  Following which theoxidized water (treated water) is collected in the treated water tank, after filtration by media filter and activated carbonfilter.