Water Sanitizer


Waste Water Management by Electrolytic Method

clock April 24, 2020 17:59 by author admin
Research developments in environmental electrochemistry and their potential to contribute to a cleaner environment are reviewed here for wastewater treatment applications. Most environmental pollutants can be successfully eliminated or converted to non-toxic materials by one or more processes, including electrochemical oxidation, electrochemical reduction, electrocoagulation and electrocoagulation/flotation, electrodialysis, and electrochemical advanced oxidation processes. Specific examples of applications for pollutant removal and reclamation of wastewater are given for the different processes, along with research needs and improvements for commercial application of these electrochemical processes. [More]

Waste Water Treatment by Electrolytic Method

clock April 21, 2020 20:20 by author admin
The particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be syphen out through filtration. However, when one considers an electro coagulation-flotation apparatus, the particulates would instead float to the top of the tank by means of formed hydrogen bubbles that are created from the anode. The floated particulates can be skimmed from the top of the tank. [More]

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