Water Sanitizer



clock May 21, 2020 18:51 by author admin
The Tiaano's advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), in which the HO• radical production is favored, could represent an interesting option for treat wastewater with less or without sludge production. [More]


clock May 18, 2020 17:21 by author admin
Electro-oxidation (EO), also known as anodic oxidation, is a technique used for wastewater treatment, mainly for industrial effluents, and is a type of advanced oxidation process (AOP).[1] The most general layout comprises two electrodes, operating as anode and cathode, connected to a power source. When an energy input and sufficient supporting electrolyte are provided to the system, strong oxidizing species are formed, which interact with the contaminants and degrade them. The refractory compounds are thus converted into reaction intermediates and, ultimately, into water and CO2 by complete mineralization [More]


clock May 16, 2020 15:04 by author admin
Electrocoagulation consists of pairs of metal sheets called electrodes, that are arranged in pairs of twoanodes and cathodes. Using the principles of electrochemistry, the cathode is oxidized (loses electrons), while the water is reduced (gains electrons), thereby making the wastewater better treated. When the cathode electrode makes contact with the wastewater, the metal is emitted into the apparatus. [More]

Tiaano e-ETP/e-STP Waste Water Treatment Plant

clock May 15, 2020 16:07 by author admin
Engineers derived a statistic analysis using The Electrolytic design for surface response analysis using electrochemical sedimentation. Having considered current density, pH, and electrolysis design, the authors were capable of studying the effects of COD, turbidity, TS removal, and sludge settling with aluminum electrodes, Ferrous Electrodes, Titanium electrodes, etc. [More]


clock May 11, 2020 18:28 by author admin
In the Electro coagulation-floatation apparatus, particulates would instead float to the top of the tank by means of formed hydrogen bubbles that are created from the anode. The floated particulates can be skimmed from the top of the tank. Waste Water Treatment Electro coagulation & Electro Oxidation design optimized Cl ions, temperature in degrees Celsius, pH, intensity of current, time of electrolysis. From the results, the authors observed that current intensity, COD (chemical oxygen demand), TOC (total organic carbon), and electrochemical oxidation were major parameters [More]

Tiaano Appraisal Kit for Effluent Treatment Plant

clock May 8, 2020 19:02 by author admin
Tiaano Appraisal Test Kit used to confirm the possibility of Treatment. The sample's reduction on BOD & COD is pre test and confirming to proceed for lab test. [More]

Tiaano Waste Water Treatment by Electrolytic Method

clock May 7, 2020 20:00 by author admin
electrocoagulation batch reaction design for surface response analysis using electrochemical sedimentation. Having considered current density, pH, and electrolysis design, the authors were capable of studying the effects of COD, turbidity, TS removal, and sludge settling with aluminum electrodes [More]

Tiaano e-ETP/e-STP Waste Water Treatment Plant

clock May 6, 2020 21:30 by author admin
When this happens, the particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be siphen out through filtration [More]


clock May 4, 2020 19:59 by author admin
Electrocoagulation-flotation is an alternative method to classic chemical coagulation for many reasons. ECF is capable of reducing the need for chemicals due to the fact that the electrodes provide the coagulant. However, many individuals still use chemical coagulants to attempt to enhance treatment. Traditionally, chemical coagulation involves the use of alum (aluminum sulfate), ferric chloride (FeCl3), or ferrous sulfate (Fe2SO4) which can be very expensive depending on the volume of water treated. When applying the coagulant, the coagulant performs a similar function as the electrodes, neutralizing the charge of the particulates, thereby allow them to agglomerate and settle at the bottom of the tank. In addition, electrocoagulation-flotation is capable of reducing waste production from wastewater treatment and also reduces the time necessary for treatment. [More]


clock May 2, 2020 17:39 by author admin
During Flocculation, the particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be siphen out through filtration. However, when one considers an electro coagulation-flotation apparatus, the particulates would instead float to the top of the tank by means of formed hydrogen bubbles that are created from the anode. The floated particulates can be skimmed from the top of the tank [More]

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